A Christian witness…

(Sunday, December 30) This is from Colleen Mitchell posting from home tonight:

The kids were headed to bed after a lovely evening that I’ll let them update you on tomorrow. But I wanted to quickly share this complimentary e-mail that we received from the hotel where we stayed on the group’s first night here. A credit to these kids and their parents:

Hi all,

This is Paul, over at the Hotel Reventazon.  I just wanted to thank you for coming to visit.  Your group treated me and my facility with courtesy and respect, something that doesn’t happen too often around here.  I really appreciate that you left my kitchen cleaner than how you found it.  I wish that all large groups would be as courteous. I hope that your trip to La Colonial was educational and fruitful. I wish you success on your mission, and invite you to come back any time.



A Christian witness… — 1 Comment